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Top Reasons to Move to the Cloud

Top Reasons to Move to the Cloud
Top Reasons to Move to the Cloud

1) Cheaper alternative to storing your data

When you are moving to the cloud, you are allowing yourself a way to move and archive your data without investing in expensive on site servers and computers. Sure, there are some organizations that still store data on site and those are organizations such as pharmaceutical companies but for the most part a large majority of businesses are switching. Back in the day, companies stored data on tapes as offsite storage but because there are complexities with this technologies such as rotation changes and deterioration there had to me a different way.

All of these issues have created opportunities to bring forward new technologies such as the cloud. As this technology is new and growing, you should be asking questions such as:

How do you get the data stored on the cloud back internally?

Does your software for storing backups integrate with cloud?

What is the size of the data that needs to be moved to the cloud?

Is your internet speed capable of moving large amounts of data?

How long should data exist on the cloud before being deleted?

2) Increase security

Data encryption is much more simplified when you are using cloud tech. Encryption does not require any third party applications and is native to the cloud. However, when you are moving data you should be responsible to follow best practices when moving data to the cloud.

3) Testing environments and resourcefulness

Cloud storage has a vast amount of applications and tools to allow your testing and development teams with ability to provision server resources quickly and efficiently. However, you should know that costs can increase if you do not configure the setup right.

4) Minimized resource costs

When leveraging cloud applications, your company can cut back on resources that cost a lot of money for your business. Software costs and hardware costs are now minimized as well as the need for continuous software maintenance is also reduced significantly.

5) Improved collaboration between users

One of the top reasons for moving to the cloud is user collaboration. For example Office 365 is a fully collaborative tool that allows users the ability to file share among users. Another benefit of cloud collaboration is the ability for users to work on the same document and make changes in real time. Sharepoint is also a good tool for this as well. This eliminates the need to send multiple versions of the same file back and forth between users.

6) Quick implementation time

Cloud transformations are quick! For on premise implementations, this could take anywhere between three to four months, untile SaaS the time can be reduced down to few weeks. Companies can take advantage of this quick implementation time and maximize their return on investment.

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